Cryoserver for
Managed Service Providers
Workplaces are relying more than ever on email for their internal and external communication, meaning there is a growing need for service providers to enable business continuity through email backup. Increased mobility in the workplace means that many organisations now host their email in the cloud, which presents an opportunity for web hosts to generate revenue on email usage.
Key Features
Whitelabel Options
Our white-label options allow you to customize logos, colors, and more for your partners and end customers.
Value-Added Service
Provides premium features without the premium price, giving you top-tier benefits at a cost that fits your budget.
Flexible pricing plans tailored to fit your specific needs and budget.
Carrier grade and reliable
Designed for high-volume processing, handling large workloads efficiently and without delay.
Improve customer retention
A trusted and widely-used service known for its reliability and performance.
Compliant Solution
Email archive data is fully encrypted and tamper-proof, ensuring maximum security and integrity for your information.
Increase Revenue
with zero overhead
Cryoserver Service Provider Edition (CryoSPE) is specifically optimised for your cloud environment and is designed to be efficient and low maintenance on infrastructure usage. This means you can earn a very healthy margin to maximise your ROI.
Increase Margins
Increase recurring revenues
Customer Retention
The Cryoserver SPE solution is compatible with most third-party email services, and can be offered as part of an account sign-up, or as an add-on/upsell feature. Once an email archive is in place, your customer is far less likely to move to a new host. Our experience shows that customers often opt for longer contracts, ranging from 3 to 10+ years.
More Customers
Lengthen contract terms
"In all honesty, nothing at the moment. Cryoserver works brilliantly for our needs and at the moment I wouldn’t change a thing"