Covid-19 Update
As MD of Cryoserver, I wanted to write to you directly to keep you informed of the steps we have taken in response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.
To begin with, I wanted to say all the team at Cryoserver are safe and hope that you and your families are safe as well. The Cryoserver team is continuing to work at normal levels in order to meet the needs of our customers.
We are ISO27001 certified and business continuity processes are documented and tested. My team are well prepared having tested and used business continuity on multiple occasions over the past years. As a small business servicing our customers mainly via phone and email, we don’t expect a degradation of service.
On Monday we made the decision to make home working the prime method of operation for all members of the team, although Cryoserver offices remain open should they need to be accessed.
All of our colleagues are fully equipped to work from home, and can continue to deliver our quality support services to customers whether remote or in the office. We have been running this mix for the past 10 days and hopefully you have seen no impact to our normal service levels. We recognise that during these challenging times your own service monitoring capacity may be stretched. Consequently, we are paying special attention to monitoring system availability and performance across our customer base. Continuity of service will remain a priority for your users and you should not hesitate to contact us if we can help in any way.
With reference to customer facing meetings, these are being rearranged and where possible we are opting for conference calls or web meetings to conduct these sessions to reduce risks both to customers and our staff members. The safety and well-being of both our customers and colleagues is my number one priority.
Lastly, as a backdrop of the outbreak, we have seen a significant increase in interest from our customers, to migrate their on premise Cryoserver systems to our CryoCloud. A key reason for most has been a requirement to reduce the on premise infrastructure to be managed and maintained. We have the tools and the skills to effect that migration remotely and swiftly.
Furthermore, it is possible to make that migration temporary, just during this crisis, should you wish to revert back to an on-premise solution in due course. Please do not hesitate to contact myself or one of the team if you are interested in learning more about CryoCloud as a temporary or permanent host for your Cryoserver archive.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and we look forward to continuing to supply our exceptional services.
We wish you, your family, and your team good health.
Robin Bingeman
Managing Director
18th March 2020

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